How you became an event planner:

I launched my event planning business in July 2014, but my journey began earlier while working in the events department of an insurance company. There, I honed my skills and developed a passion for creating memorable experiences. My first foray into wedding styling was for my sister’s wedding, which ignited my career in event planning.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

A typical day in the life of a wedding planner is dynamic and fast-paced. It starts with managing emails, making calls, and scheduling meetings with clients to understand their vision for the event. From coordinating with vendors to overseeing the setup, every moment is dedicated to ensuring a flawless experience for our clients.

Photo: Salt Atelier Photography

What is your favorite thing about your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is witnessing the joy and amazement on my clients’ faces when they see their event space transformed into their dream setting. It’s a gratifying feeling to know that I’ve played a part in creating a momentous occasion they’ll cherish forever.

How do you balance work, life, and such a busy schedule?

Balancing work and life is crucial. I prioritize tasks, set boundaries, and carve out time for personal activities. Knowing when to step back and recharge is key to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Photo: Ariana Photography

What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?

To aspiring event planners, I recommend gaining hands-on experience by assisting established professionals, networking with industry vendors, and staying abreast of trends. Stay focused on your path and don’t be discouraged by challenges.

How long have you been in your current profession?

I’ve been in the event planning industry for a decade, continuously learning and evolving to deliver exceptional experiences for my clients.

Photo: Ariana Photography

What’s your favorite aspect of a wedding?

It’s hard to choose a favorite moment, as each wedding is unique and filled with beautiful moments. From the anticipation of the ceremony to the heartfelt speeches, every aspect holds a special place in my heart.

What have been some of your career highlights?

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my career has been earning the trust of my clients and bringing their visions to life. Each event is a highlight, as it represents a collaborative effort to create something truly magical.

Photo: Ariana Photography

What does your creative process look like?

My creative process begins with listening to my clients’ ideas and aspirations. We then create a mood board to visually conceptualize the event. Collaborating with my team, we visit the venue and engage with key suppliers to ensure every detail aligns with the vision. From floor plan layouts to final design, our goal is to exceed expectations.

To what do you credit your success?

I attribute my success to my dedication, passion, and the unwavering support of my clients and suppliers. Their trust and collaboration have been instrumental in achieving my goals and growing my business.

Photo: Ariana Photography

Who has been one of your biggest mentors?

While I deeply value the guidance of mentors, my creative journey is fueled by my own vision and drive.

What’s the most eccentric request you’ve received from a bride?

One memorable request was to incorporate a carnival theme into a wedding while maintaining a glamorous ambiance. It was a creative challenge that we embraced wholeheartedly.

Photo: Ariana Photography

Which famous wedding in history would you have most liked to be involved with and why?

I would have loved to be involved in a wedding in the UAE. My dream is to travel overseas and contribute to creating unforgettable moments for couples on their special day.